User Experience Design Services

     Usability Tune - Ups
     Usability Quick Fixes
     Usability Design
     Usability Testing
     Usability Research
     Application UI Design
     Web Design

User Experience Design Services Visual Design Services

User Experience Design Services:

Usability Tune - Ups:

We help you in addressing small usability problems (almost invisible) in your products that needs minor usability tune-ups. Most often they could be key to the success / failure of your business.

Toprior offering:
. Categorization of issues/ problems in your product.
. Proper selection of user interface elements.
. Improving affordance.
. Removing jargon.
. Improving accessibility.
. Effective layout.

Usability Quick Fixes:

We help you redesign your existing application that your users will love and bring them back from your competitors

Toprior offering:
. Categorization of issues/ problems in your product.
. selection of user interface elements.
. Improving affordance.
. Removing jargon.
. Improving accessibility.
. Effective layout. 
Usability Design:

We help you in giving a shape to your bright ideas for a software product.

Toprior offering:
. Understanding users, the application domain, and business   objectives.
. Design the navigational structure.
. Detailed design of major screens.
. Visual design.
. Usability testing.

Usability Testing:

By user testing your products on carefully chosen test subjects, we help you know he loop holes in your product. We conduct extensive user testing in sieving out short comings and generate a detailed report.

Toprior offering:

. Help understand the strengths and weaknesses of your website
. Discover how to improve the navigation on your website
. Improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention
. Ensure your website/ product remains efficient and usable.
. Discover new opportunities, markets and develop competitive   barriers                    TOP

Usability Research:

We help you save costs and improve customer service using user research techniques.

Usability testing
. Study user’s behavior in their natural environment.
. Unearth the real attitudes and behavior of people as they function.
. Observe, question, and record behavior patterns to yield specific
. Findings that are otherwise missed by surveys or focus groups.
. Find how people interact with software, machines, or customers.

Toprior offering:

. Help you understand your users before designing a product or a new feature.
. Help you innovate by providing deep insight about your users and how they work.
. Help call centers understand factors that impact employee  productivity
. Help BPO companies understand factors that hinder employees' learning.

Application UI Design:

We develop highly intuitive interfaces for web-based systems and applications.We provide recommendations for improvements in user flow and capabilities based on your business goals and user expectations.

Toprior offering:

. Evaluate and redefine information structure of your web site /   application.
. Ensure grabbing user’s attention.
. Improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention.
. Elevating your content and branding.
. Simplifying communication and making it effective through   consistent user interfaces.
Web Design:

We focus on design and layout that elevates your content, branding and communication. We create web-based user interfaces that function seamlessly and transparently within the web environment.

Toprior offering:

. Understanding target audience, the market positioning and business   objectives.
. Design the navigational structure.
. Detailed design of major screens.
. Visual design.


Shaping up learning modules that is fun and meaningful, yet effective for your target users. We provide instructional design and content development support to most of the leading eLearning companies. Also offer learning support to corporate and educational institutions. We are experienced in developing content for CBTs (Computer Based Training), WBTs (Web-based training), and ILTs (Instructor Led Training material) in the following domains:

. Finance and Banking
. Insurance
. Corporate Governance
. IT and Manufacturing Processes
. Electric motors and Machines

Toprior offering:
. Define content scope
. Select strategies based on delivery media, audience profile, and learning objective.
. Select appropriate teaching models
. Define instructional theme based on learners' profile and learning objective
. Ensure learner motivation
. Define the interface and navigation                                                                                TOP


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